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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Default Dualistic Vibrational Entrainment Patterns

Do you create your own reality? Do you take responsibility for creating your own reality? Or do you play victim to seemingly outside influences? But if you truly create your own reality then you created those seemingly outside influences. Why would one do that? What benefits does victimhood offer us?

Why would we create something outside of us that victimizes us? Is that a way of learning about and experiencing duality? Is it about balancing out karma and the stabilization of energy? Is it necessary to first be a victim before we can understand the victim/perpetrator duality? Is it equally necessary to play the part of the perpetrator?

So it doesn't matter whether we're playing the victim/perpetrator duality game or consciously creating our own reality. Either way, we are creating our reality. The difference is in the level of awareness, level of responsibility, and level of joy for life. We can choose to create our reality through self-awareness or through plugging into a default dualistic vibrational entrainment patterns. The hard part is unplugging from those entrainment patterns. This involves taking responsibility for creating every little thing in your reality. Then you can see why you created all the dualistic struggle in the first place--and that was to bring you to this point of awareness where you can let all that go and begin creating with joy like the divine god that you are.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.



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