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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


To fully surrender, one must stop seeking; stop planning, stop rationalizing, stop hoping, stop wanting, and stop struggling. Can we give those things up? Can we enter the NOW and live there? Can we fully surrender to each new moment, giving it our full, undivided attention?

Beauty is something that can hold us in the NOW. The NOW is saturated in beauty but we must be able to see and feel that beauty to establish a connection with it that will keep us anchored in the NOW. We must surrender to that beauty, allowing it to fully envelop us. We don't do that on a regular basis because we are not accustomed to the intensity of the feeling vibration of joy that beauty creates. It can make us cry tears of joy and many of us are afraid to cry. We are afraid to feel. We are afraid to surrender.

These fears hold us in a vibrational pattern that keeps us out of the NOW and prevents us from fully experiencing beauty and the feelings of love and joy. These fears are doors we can open to get to the other side of our perceived limitations. Each doorway we walk through takes us to a new perspective and these new perspectives reveal the illusory nature of those limitations. As we release our hold on those limiting illusions we begin the process of surrender. This process takes us to our divine nature.

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