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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


2007 is an extraordinary year! I consider November 1st as the first day of the year and October 31st as the last day of the year. This means that we are already in 2007 as far as I'm concerned. For me, 2007 began just a little over a month ago.

2007 is a year of unprecedented change. For many, 2006 seemed like that. But hold onto your hats because 2007 will far exceed 2006 in the change department. But it will be a different sort of change. 2006 was one big change but 2007 will be a multitude of constant change. It will begin for most in late January and early February. We will experience one change after another after another after another. Except for a couple of very brief respites this constant change will continue to the end of the year on October 31st. The change will be so constant that we will hardly have time to think about one change before the next one is upon us.

For some of us we will experience as much change in 2007 as in all of our years combined leading up to 2007. We will experience change in a multitude of ways. We will change jobs and careers. We will change cars and change residences. Some of us will change states and some of us countries and some of us hemispheres. We will change partners and change friends. We will change how we live--repeatedly. We will change how we think and how we react. We will change patterns in everything. We will change what we eat and what we read. We will change how we express and how we dress. We'll change how we prioritize things. We will change habits and some will change religions. As we navigate 2007 we will have to remain at the wheel to constantly change direction.

It is useless to resist this tsunami of constant change. We have to go with the flow of it and that means surrender. Surrender is the key word for 2007. 2007 is the year to DROP ALL RESISTANCE. We have been playing with surrender for the past few years but now it is time to fully and unconditionally surrender. 2007 can be a traumatic year or it can be a blissful euphoric year. It all depends on how much resistance we put up to the constant change. To drop all resistance and fully surrender to the constant change we can use this new year to make a quantum leap in self-realization. 2007 holds the possibility of being the most transformative year in human history (so far).

But it all happens on an individual basis. The global world will reflect that, yes, but it is up to each and every one of us to surrender individually. If enough of us surrender individually and unconditionally then collectively we will produce a contraction. In spiritual terms this is called inducing labor.

While 2007 is a major contraction preceding birth, it is also a dilation or opening up for that birth. 2007 is a year of contraction and expansion, contraction and expansion, contraction and expansion. For those who have experienced the birth of a child, allow me to describe 2007 as that moment when such an intense contraction is experienced that you look at each other and simultaneously you both know it is time to go to the hospital. It's time to throw all your preconceived notions out the window and put your entire focus onto the birth.

In 2007 we will be shown a few thousand different ways to surrender. Not until we surrender in a few thousand different ways will we be able to begin to understand surrender. In 2007 it will be the most valuable tool we can employ. Look for ways to surrender. Be willing to surrender everything and anything. Examine anything that you resist surrendering.

And embrace change. Get ready for non-stop change. Resist it or surrender to it. See that as a choice. It's a choice we will continually be faced with in this most magnificent of years.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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At 7:15 AM, Blogger Trendle Ellwood said...

Just what I wanted to hear?
Just for once WhiteFeather couldn't you just tell us that things are going to settle down and be nice and smooth!
I love ya

At 9:25 AM, Blogger White Feather said...

Greetings Trendle. It's great to find your lovely energy in here today.

Remember the eye of the hurricane analogy. The winds are always strongest right around the eye. As we move through that wall of wind it is easy to forget that the calm and serenity of the eye is so close.

We all will break through that wall of wind in our own time and when we do we won't need White Feather's weather reports. The beauty and joy will be unmistakeable.

The more we surrender, the smoother things get. Things will finally "settle down and be nice and smooth!" when we surrender completely.

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Well, I didn't know we could post here. lol I had the same reaction as Tren. What?!

Surrender, going with the flow. It will be something to break through that wall of wind... meanwhile, I do enjoy your weather reports, White Feather. :)


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