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obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Movement and Dance

When the last core is studied and we see all the angles then we will be able to expand to encompass a much greater portion of the spectrum.

When the hillsides echo thunder we don't generally think of the contours of the land, even though those contours affects how the sound reaches us. The important question is; can we incorporate both endeavors within our actions.

When the planet changes direction our bodies are directly affected. It always helps to allow for disruption of normalcy. We can fight it or go with the flow.

Will the respite of that moment when the pendulum seems to stop before proceeding in the opposite direction provide the peace and bliss and joy necessary to comfortably transition to a whole new you? In dance, it is a mere change in direction of movement. Can the movement be as fluid in other regards? Can we change directions as easily and naturally as the planet?

Do we dance to the spotlight or let the spotlight follow us? Are we trying to dance or are we allowing the dance to flow through us?

Are we even dancing?

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