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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Compass Dial

Lift up your eyes. Lift up your inner vision. Look up at the roof of your world.

Our vision is habitually horizontal. It can be good to habitually break habits. If you always take the same street to go to work to each day it's good to occasionally take a different route. Likewise, if you're always looking straight ahead or hehind you or at your feet, it is good to occasionally crane one's neck and look directly upwards.

Looking up on a regular basis enables our navigational systems to operate completely. When that navigational system is fully operational it works on a 360 degree basis. It's good to know and stay in touch with all the directions.

There will be much to see once we look in new ways. Eyes are important but so is a strong and healthy neck.

Imagine a dial that reads your directional focus. Whatever direction you put your focus towards, the needle on the circular dial moves to point in that direction. See the dial move freely in all directions. See it move round and round, not missing any perspective. In your mind, see the dial spinning furiously. It is spinning so furiously there is no time to place your focus in one spot. Your focus can no longer be one-directional. It is now omni-directional. It's like stepping back and focusing from the outside in. The focus is removed from any one part of the circle (dial) and becomes the act of watching the dial. You have stepped outside the circle.

We cannot step outside of the circle unless we can see the one-ness of that circle and we can't do that unless we experience all 360 degrees of that circle.

See why it's so important to occasionally look up?

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
