What are the many symptoms of happiness? Can you come up with a list? What symptoms are the strongest for you? Do you have enough symptoms to be fully infected with happiness?
Where do you place happiness? Is it some goal? Some far off place? Is it a memory? Does it permeate your daily life?
Is it omnipresent? Are there places we don't allow it in? Are there some times when we utterly disregard it? Are there times we meed to rest from happiness? Can it ever be too much for us?
How important is happinesss to you? Is it important to a tree? Or a cow? Or a kitty cat? They don't seem to strive for happiness. Can their contentment be decribed as a happiness? Do they need happiness like humans do? And why do humans need happiness anyway? Why is happiness so important to us when it just seems to come naturally to other life forms? Why has happiness become our goal?
What differentiates happiness from contentment? What makes it better? Is happiness what draws us onward? Does the idea of happiness give us purpose?
What's the purpose of happiness?
When you're a god living in the universe happiness is natural and ubiquitous. It is the space we move through. It is impossible to be unhappy. Is this state what happiness is returning us to?
Can we know what happiness is without first learning what it is not? And once we learn what it is and what it's not, we merely need to accept its omnipresence.
Happiness is the food that fuels our quest for ultimate joy. Joy is a step up from happiness. Joy is happiness taken to orgasmic levels. It's the frequency that connects us back to the universal entity that we are. It's how we experience being a god.
Happiness is the platform from which we can easily reach towards joy.
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