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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Monday, January 22, 2007

Ten Minutes

Welcome to the idea of a new way to live. Can there really be a different and better way to live our lives? If there was such a better way would you attempt to incorporate it into your existence?

What holds you back to the old methodologies? What keeps you trapped in a quagmire of less than optimal circumstances? Is it victimhood? Is it some sort of contentment or acceptance of the way things are? Is it guilt? Do you feel you do not deserve something better? Is it fear?

When we create the landscape of our existence do we just recreate old patterns again and again? Do we maintain a status quo as an attempt to keep out uncertainty? Why do new things scare us? Is it the adjustment we would be forced to make? Is there a comfort to our ennui?

Or are we merely holding back the inevitable? Why are we afraid to embrace the inevitable? Why do we shun the mantle of our divinity?

Take ten minutes of your day and use it to open up to new possibilities. Let your guard down for ten minutes a day. Imagine what it would be like to live a completely different life. For ten minutes a day imagine all your problems gone. Imagine a life of joy. Imagine a life where everything you love explodes in joy. Imagine a world where everything is as you create it to be. Imagine nirvana ten minutes of every day.

Why do we hesitate about this? Are we afraid if we let go of all our problems then we will no longer be us? Do we define ourselves by our problems and struggles? Do we define ourselves by our pain?

In order to redefine ourselves we must step beyond everything that currently defines us. But we need something to define us and until we can find something new to define us we hold on for dear life to everything that is currently defining us. There is a lag time between our old definitions and when the new definitions take hold. This creates fear because briefly we have nothing to define us and without our definitions we seem to not exist.

So it is good to imagine new definitions so that they become ready to be embraced as soon as we let go of the old definitions. Imagination is the bridge that allows us to go from one reality to another without falling into the crack between realities.

Yet imagination without release only causes more frustration. Ten minutes of imagination and ten minutes of releasing all things each day will help prepare us. Release something different every day. Don't worry, you won't run out of things to release--not for quite a while anyway. Imagine something new each day. You will never run out of things to imagine.

The more we release and the more we imagine, the closer we come to our true divine being--a being that deserves the most incredible reality we can imagine.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
