There is great energy waiting to be tapped. The energy is tapped as it passes through us. The tapping takes place within us. All the energy we will ever need is within. If we're looking without for sources of energy then we will never seem to have enough. The source within is boundless.
To tap it we must connect to it and this requires a devoted circuitry. We must surrender to this source and offer no resistance to it as it passes through us. Resistance is what keeps this energy source from flooding us at all times.
Surrender is the releasing of all resistance. We are used to a tug of war. We maintain enough resistance to keep the energy source from overpowering us. We play a game of give and take with resistance and allowance. Surrender is the dropping of all resistance and it goes beyond all allowance.
Complete and utter surrender is an unplugging of the old circuitry and a plugging in to our divine source. It changes everything.
Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
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