The Passing of Anna Mitchell-Hedges
Anna Mitchell-Hedges, caretaker of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, passed away on April 11. She was 100 years old. She was in her late eighties when I met her. I had the pleasure of speaking with her both before and following my one-hour experience with the famous skull. I first met her the night before at a small dinner gathering. She was downright lovable. And she liked to tell stories--something I relate to. That hour with the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull significantly changed my life so I cannot help but be eternally grateful to Anna Mitchell-Hedges for bringing the skull from Canada to my little sleepy mountain town in Colorado back in the nineties at a time when she had already stopped touring with the skull. She did it as a favor to a friend of hers who happened to live in my same town.
I have read all manner of writings on the skull, some of it quite critical and some of it quite fantastic. But none of that means much to me. My own experience with the skull is what resonates with me--and it's quite an intense resonation. I consider it one of my most precious experiences. So I am filled with love and gratefulness for Anna upon hearing of her transition. And I cannot help but smile at learning that she made it to 100. Today I turn 50 years old. I've kind of dreaded this birthday. But I consider it a gift to learn that Anna made it to 100. Learning this has been the only thing to happen to make me feel young.
Anna told me that she was convinced that she had been caretaker of the skull during the time/dimension of Atlantis, too. I wonder if she will be (is) caretaker again in some other time/dimension. To me, the skull is like a portal to all the many time/dimensions we are connected to. It's a key to the Akasha. It is very special. I wonder, whether in this life or another, if I will come into contact with the skull again. If I do I will have to look away from it long enough to see if Anna is somewhere around. I'll bet she would have some great stories to tell.
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