The Goddess Within Her
There were sprinkles in her hair. They glittered in the reflection of the moon and the lights surrounding the harbor. The only thing missing was fireworks. She felt a grandness and importance in the events transpiring around her. She felt like a witness to something truly grand.
And it was also a feeling that overcame her while she was taking a walk along a forested country road.
The sunlight glimmers off a million leaves and it becomes a hypnotizing frequency. One is lulled into a bliss. One experiences light in a multi-fractured display. It's like fireworks in a way.
The earth would be dark if it were not for those heavenly bodies that shine their light down upon us. Can you imagine the darkness? It seems that currently we are unable to generate our own light and are dependent on the light from objects in the sky. We make our own electrical lights but they carry only a fraction of the vibrations that natural celestial bodies give off.
She felt ever-so-briefly whole. It was a fleeting instance of seemingly accidental epiphany. The world, for a few minutes seemed strangely perfect.
Can you feel the light? We all know the light can be seen but can we feel it? While light may become apparent through our visual senses, there are many other dimensions that our corneas do not pick up.
Our eyeballs and noggin receive visual input. Our solar plexus receives feeling-tone frequency input. We see beauty with our eyes and we feel it with our gut.
Sitting across the table from a being that you connect with, you can travel to exotic locales without ever getting up from the table. We can experience a wide spectrum of feeling-tone vibrations. We can travel where ever we wish.
She looked at the mountain range and suddenly she saw it like she had never seen it before. Suddenly she remembered a big part of who she is. She merely had to see with open eyes and feel with a relaxed gut. She merely had to look into the mirror without any filters.
Look at your painting. Look at it as intensely as you can. It is your creation. Every part of the image is like a little door into a part of you. As we slowly open our doors we find that life is an outrageously wonderful gift. It is the one thing we are all given but which few of us truly embrace with all our beings.
Every choice is a choice of embracement. What will you embrace? What will you give life to? What will you surrender to?
In feeling the joy in every minute of life we've got to see and feel our reality in order to understand what it is we created. Connecting on a feeling-tone level we can bypass the restrictions of the noggin and the sheer sluggishness of human reason. We can feel the answers to our questions. We can feel the joy of creating our reality. Connecting on a feeling-tone level we can enter a state of one-ness where we can experience our connectedness with all other humans and all life.
The more we feel this state of one-ness with all things the more our feeling abilities expand. We quickly see that every little thing is a divine gift. We feel the fireworks even if we don't see them. It's an electricity we feel. It's called joy.
She looked at the mountains bathed in moonlight and starlight. Then she looked back the other way at the harbor and saw the moon and stars reflected in the water. If she had a mirror she could have seen what kind of light that she reflected. But she didn't have a mirror so she just felt that light radiating off of her. She felt it pouring out of her skin. She felt it washing over the harbor then, as she turned back towards the mountains, she felt it wash over the rugged contours of the mountains. Everywhere that she placed her focus was bathed in her divine light.
And so the world around her came to life. She vowed that from then on that's how she would create her reality.
Copyright 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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