Happy Artists
What makes one day different than another? Is it the events that transpired that day? Is it the feelings you felt that day? Is it the weather? How much of one's day is routine, the same as most other days? How many of our days bring something entirely new to us?
Are our days something that just happens? Do we experience them passively? How many of our days are planned? How much of our day is controlled by us? How much of our day has something to do with either a previous day or a future day?
As we watch the sun rise over the horizon in the morning we have a unique opportunity to bless our day just as it is starting. We can program what we will be open to during the day. We can set our intent, turning it over to the day so that we don't have to preoccupy ourselves with it any longer. It is at sunrise and sunset when we can become intimate with the day.
A day can be like an empty canvas. Before we start painting our picture it is best to stare a while at the blank canvas. Get to know it and feel the blankness. This opens up the canvas to receive the images and feelings we want to paint. It's always a good idea to bless an empty canvas before commencing with our art.
When the sun sets we can stop and look at our day from a different perspective; seeing it in a new light. We may not be finished with the picture we're painting but it's always a good idea to stop at some point and look at what we're painting from a slightly different angle; then feel how the painting is developing.
We can continue painting after the sun is down. What is added is added with a new light and different energy. How do we end our days?
We are all artists. Our medium is life. The art of living is something done either with passion and joy and love or something done as a habitual routine. As we daily paint the landscape of our lives we are free to choose how we paint it. We can be a tormented artist or we can be playful and child-like. We can paint the same picture or very similar ones day after day or we can paint something very new and different each day. We can start a new painting every day or we can repaint over yesterday's canvas, sometimes again and again. What do we do at the end of the day when it is time to go to dreamland? Do we release it to the universe or do we take it with us in our journey through dreamland and into the morning? Do we start with a fresh new canvas each new day? Or are we still painting over canvases started years ago?
There is much joy in greeting a blank canvas each new day. There is also great joy in finishing a painting and giving it away, clearing your mind for the next new canvas. There is great joy in the art of living, or at least there certainly can be. Connecting to that joy is a matter of releasing, opening up, and allowing it to flow. All the impediments to this flow are our resistances to it that we put in place. We do this by closing down through fear or guilt. So how do we deal with these fears and guilts and such that impede our flow? We let the flow wash them right out of us onto the canvas. There they can be expressed and released. We release through our canvases, integrating those releases into the beauty of our picture. Often, these releases are just the right color or texture we need to round off our picture. As we release one picture for the next blank canvas we will be lighter and less impeded and the joy will flow more freely and the next picture will reflect that. And we will become happier artists.
Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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