Beaches and See-Saws
by White Feather
When there are no fish left in the lake the people living alongside the lake move on. They are aware of their environment. Being in touch with the earth they sense when something is wrong.
Today very, very few people are in touch with the earth. They are unaware when things are out of balance. Most humans have lived in a situation that is out of balance for most of their lives, so much so that it seems normal.
When birds fly through the air and they fly through areas of magnetic disturbance their flight is affected. When dolphin are swimming and following the sounds of the depths and then suddenly their sonar is jammed with mechanical distortions they become lost and they seek refuge by getting out of the water and beaching themselves.
How many humans are currently beaching themselves because the access to their inner senses has been broken? How many humans do not even hear and feel their inner senses because their systems are taken over by mass signals that are unnatural and not grounded in earth energies?
What is the difference between a pod of dolphins or whales beaching themselves and an event in some shopping mall where a lone gunman starts shooting randomly and killing people?
What do we blame such events on? Do we blame one person for going berserk? But that one lone gunman is only one aspect of the event. The victims all play a part, too. Everyone involved in the event has lost their inner guidance, allowing them to be drawn into the event. Are the lone gunman and all the victims all beaching themselves? When a pod of whales beaches themselves are they all victims? Or is their one leader responsible for all the rest being victims?
When war breaks out is it only the leaders who are responsible for the carnage? Or is everyone involved?
How do we keep from following the signals that lead us to a mass beaching? How do we allow ourselves to be sucked into a harmonic that so grossly disharmonizes with natural planetary rhythms? How do we lose contact with our own inner senses which can prevent us from navigating into such energetic turmoil?
Where does our focus take us? What happens when our focus is no longer grounded in earth energies? What happens when, instead of directing our energy focus, we instead allow it to be drawn to energies of repulsion?
When we sit on a see-saw how aware are we of what is sitting on the other end of the see-saw? If we are unaware of the other side how can we find the balance necessary to shift our focus to the fulcrum upon which we are see-sawing?
If we sit upon a see-saw as a victim who will gladly sit on the other end? If we sit on a see-saw while full of love who are we going to attract to sit on the other end? If we can love the one sitting on the other end of any see-saw we choose to sit on how does that affect the see-sawing?
When we disengage from the see-saw and instead take a walk through the forest we can feel the planet under our feet and we can embrace all that we come into contact with without engaging a polarizing duality with everything we come into contact with.
Without this dualistic engagement there is no impulse to beach ourselves. Staying grounded in the fulcrum of the planet we can go beyond the duality and allow love to enter all things and activities and our navigational abilities respond naturally and always take us exactly where we want to go to find ever increasing levels of joy.
Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
Today very, very few people are in touch with the earth. They are unaware when things are out of balance. Most humans have lived in a situation that is out of balance for most of their lives, so much so that it seems normal.
When birds fly through the air and they fly through areas of magnetic disturbance their flight is affected. When dolphin are swimming and following the sounds of the depths and then suddenly their sonar is jammed with mechanical distortions they become lost and they seek refuge by getting out of the water and beaching themselves.
How many humans are currently beaching themselves because the access to their inner senses has been broken? How many humans do not even hear and feel their inner senses because their systems are taken over by mass signals that are unnatural and not grounded in earth energies?
What is the difference between a pod of dolphins or whales beaching themselves and an event in some shopping mall where a lone gunman starts shooting randomly and killing people?
What do we blame such events on? Do we blame one person for going berserk? But that one lone gunman is only one aspect of the event. The victims all play a part, too. Everyone involved in the event has lost their inner guidance, allowing them to be drawn into the event. Are the lone gunman and all the victims all beaching themselves? When a pod of whales beaches themselves are they all victims? Or is their one leader responsible for all the rest being victims?
When war breaks out is it only the leaders who are responsible for the carnage? Or is everyone involved?
How do we keep from following the signals that lead us to a mass beaching? How do we allow ourselves to be sucked into a harmonic that so grossly disharmonizes with natural planetary rhythms? How do we lose contact with our own inner senses which can prevent us from navigating into such energetic turmoil?
Where does our focus take us? What happens when our focus is no longer grounded in earth energies? What happens when, instead of directing our energy focus, we instead allow it to be drawn to energies of repulsion?
When we sit on a see-saw how aware are we of what is sitting on the other end of the see-saw? If we are unaware of the other side how can we find the balance necessary to shift our focus to the fulcrum upon which we are see-sawing?
If we sit upon a see-saw as a victim who will gladly sit on the other end? If we sit on a see-saw while full of love who are we going to attract to sit on the other end? If we can love the one sitting on the other end of any see-saw we choose to sit on how does that affect the see-sawing?
When we disengage from the see-saw and instead take a walk through the forest we can feel the planet under our feet and we can embrace all that we come into contact with without engaging a polarizing duality with everything we come into contact with.
Without this dualistic engagement there is no impulse to beach ourselves. Staying grounded in the fulcrum of the planet we can go beyond the duality and allow love to enter all things and activities and our navigational abilities respond naturally and always take us exactly where we want to go to find ever increasing levels of joy.
Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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