28 Times
by White Feather
How often do you totally and completely surrender? One to five times a month? One to five times a day? One to five times an hour? What is your surrender frequency? I know it can be difficult when one is first getting used to the awesome power of surrender. It can take a long time to embrace the notion of surrender.
Once we start feeling comfortable with surrender then we can start using it continuously in various circumstances. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the funner it becomes. There was a time today when I surrendered approximately 28 times in approximately 10 minutes. It may be a record. Of course, I wasn't timing it or anything. I can only relate my feelings. Everything else is approximate.
Have you ever surrendered 28 times in 10 minutes? Oh, let me tell you, it's worth workng your way up to that surrender frequency. Maintaining it, of course, is a different, more difficult, matter. When I figure that out I'll let you know. In the meantime, all we can do is keep surrendering as best we can, building up our familiarity and comfort with the act of surrender. Someday, I hope to remain in a constant state of surrender. I cannot even imagine how glorious that can be.
Surrender and giving are two sides of the same coin. When we do one we automatically do the other. We cannot give without surrendering and we cannot surrender without giving.
If surrender is giving then what is taking?
Taking is struggle. If we are taking we are in struggle and if we're in struggle we're taking. If we are in surrender we are giving and if we're giving we're in surrender. IT'S ALL DIRECTIONAL! Change directions and everything else changes! Seriously, it does! Try it. Stop struggling and surrender. Just know that you can't do that without giving.
Once we start feeling comfortable with surrender then we can start using it continuously in various circumstances. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the funner it becomes. There was a time today when I surrendered approximately 28 times in approximately 10 minutes. It may be a record. Of course, I wasn't timing it or anything. I can only relate my feelings. Everything else is approximate.
Have you ever surrendered 28 times in 10 minutes? Oh, let me tell you, it's worth workng your way up to that surrender frequency. Maintaining it, of course, is a different, more difficult, matter. When I figure that out I'll let you know. In the meantime, all we can do is keep surrendering as best we can, building up our familiarity and comfort with the act of surrender. Someday, I hope to remain in a constant state of surrender. I cannot even imagine how glorious that can be.
Surrender and giving are two sides of the same coin. When we do one we automatically do the other. We cannot give without surrendering and we cannot surrender without giving.
If surrender is giving then what is taking?
Taking is struggle. If we are taking we are in struggle and if we're in struggle we're taking. If we are in surrender we are giving and if we're giving we're in surrender. IT'S ALL DIRECTIONAL! Change directions and everything else changes! Seriously, it does! Try it. Stop struggling and surrender. Just know that you can't do that without giving.
Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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