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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The NOW and the Life Spark

by White Feather

When there are several occurrences that deflect your attention from yourself in the NOW it becomes easy to get trapped in those events. Maintaining the NOW can seem difficult. We slip out of it and soon realize that we're out of it for a long time.

It seems like a struggle to stay in the NOW but as long as we are struggling we cannot get into it. There is no struggle in the NOW. We cannot struggle to get into the NOW. We can only release all struggle to get there.

We must feel the NOW in order to align with it. Any thoughts of the future or past takes us out of the NOW. Guilt from the past and anxiety for the future immediately creates struggle and we are no longer in the NOW.

The NOW is where we create. The NOW is where we live. The NOW is where we find joy. The NOW is where the physical and non-physical sides of us come together.

We are constantly spinning. The physical part of us and the non-physical part of us chase each other around in a circle around our center. That center can only be accessed in the NOW.

Broaden your perceptions to see more than what your struggles illustrate. In the center struggle is impossible. In the center we are all that is. If we are all that is we are instantly the solution to any perceived struggle. All struggle is canceled out. We are all that is. But when we separate our perceptions and only see a limited view then we never see the solutions that are part of every struggle. We fight and fight without seeing the solution that came with the struggle.

In the center we are all that is and we can see all that is. And there is absolutely no need for any struggle whatsoever. How does one get into the center? By being in the NOW. Our focus is so scattered outside of the NOW that we don't hardly even see the NOW right before us. Every moment we can fully spend in the NOW will help bring us back to our true self. The more we surrender our struggles and our obsession with the future and the past, the more we can open up to the NOW. The more we experience the NOW, the easier it will be to get into it and stay there.

It takes practice. We are so conditioned to live outside of the NOW that it's hard to break that conditioning. But that is the answer to finding joy and peace.

Bring with you an appreciation and joy for life and you can go anywhere in the universe. For the universe is inside you. To travel the universe one must go within. Go deeper and deeper into ever smaller layers of your being. Go down into the cells and then down into the atoms and molecules and then go deeper still. Go deeper and deeper still until you come to an infinitesimally small pinpoint of light. That pinpoint of light is you and it is the whole universe. Everything in the outer layers, including our bodies, are holographic manifestations. They are illusions created to live in an illusory physical reality. You in that body is not you. You are that tiny pinpoint of life at the very smallest level of your being. That tiny pinpoint is the opening through which your Source sources you the universal energy that gives you life. Through that tiny pinpoint you can connect with the entire universe and an unlimited amount of energy to create with.

Go within and down into the smallest layers, deeper and deeper until you find that pinpoint. If you are struggling in any way you are not going within but rather without. The farther out you go the denser you become and the more struggle you find. Time exists only on the outer levels. On the deeper levels in the center and at that pinpoint there is no time. There is only the now. That is your life spark That is your Source. When we can reconnect with that we realize our true divine Self and our unlimited creative power.

Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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