How Important Is It?
by White Feather
Where do things begin and where do they end? Are beginnings and endings merely perceptions? Does anything ever truly begin or end? Is it merely in our perspectives that they do?
Every beginning is an ending and every ending is a beginning. What is the difference between them? Does anything ever end or is it merely tranformed into a new beginning? Does that new beginning carry forth elements of the previous death? Do we just play the same record over again except at a slightly different pitch? Does anything ever die? Or is it transformed and reformulated into a new cycle of life?
Does each new song not contain notes that were used in the previous song? Are all songs just rearrangements of the same notes in the musical scale? What links the varying arrangements of notes? What vibrations remain throughout all different arrangements of notes?
Can you sing a song without containing notes and phrases that have been used before in the expression of music? Does the music of the universe contain all notes and all phrases and all music? Is every song an expression of joy within the scales of vibration?
Is it the intricacies of music that are important or the simple fact that we are singing? What happens to the octaves of experience when we stop singing? Do they evaporate or do we merely stop accessing them? How important is it to have music flowing through our beings? How important is it that we sing along with that music?
Every beginning is an ending and every ending is a beginning. What is the difference between them? Does anything ever end or is it merely tranformed into a new beginning? Does that new beginning carry forth elements of the previous death? Do we just play the same record over again except at a slightly different pitch? Does anything ever die? Or is it transformed and reformulated into a new cycle of life?
Does each new song not contain notes that were used in the previous song? Are all songs just rearrangements of the same notes in the musical scale? What links the varying arrangements of notes? What vibrations remain throughout all different arrangements of notes?
Can you sing a song without containing notes and phrases that have been used before in the expression of music? Does the music of the universe contain all notes and all phrases and all music? Is every song an expression of joy within the scales of vibration?
Is it the intricacies of music that are important or the simple fact that we are singing? What happens to the octaves of experience when we stop singing? Do they evaporate or do we merely stop accessing them? How important is it to have music flowing through our beings? How important is it that we sing along with that music?
Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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