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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

White Flag

What is the difference between conditional surrender and unconditional surrender? And why is this important? We can raise a white flag and hopefully see a ceasing of hostilities. But does that really end the conflict on all levels?

Do we surrender unconditionally or do we negotiate a surrender? Do we surrender only under certain conditions? Is this a true surrender or simply an agreement to cease hostilities?

A true surrender is a complete ceasing of ALL resistance; physical, emotional, or spiritual. Surrender is to become the very opposite of what you are now, and in the process tie together both ends of any spectrum and creating a situation of wholeness.

So what is the difference between unconditional surrender and unconditional action? Are they two sides of the same coin? Can we have one without the other?

How hard is it for you to surrender? How hard is it for you to take definitive unconditional action? What's the correlation between the two? Is surrender the ultimate definitive unconditional action? Can we ever take any action without at least some sort of surrender on some level? Is surrender the ultimate action? Is action the ultimate surrender? Are the multitudinous conditions we place on both action and surrender what keeps us from seeing ONE-ness within the duality?

Personally, I have found that the more I surrender, the more I take action. I have experienced several years of inertia in my life and it was all due to an unwillingness to surrender. Now, I try to remember to bring a white flag with me where ever I go. When fighting and resistance stops a window opens up. That window, rather than the excitement of the fighting and resistance, is what now excites me. I long to swim through that window into a whole new reality; a reality in which duality enhances things rather than causes separation and turmoil. Duality is a harmony and ONE-ness is the lead vocal. When the harmony is dissonant you can't even hear the lead vocal.

Every great music teacher in the world will attempt to teach you that to make beautiful music it is utterly essential to surrender to that music. Do you see the make/surrender duality? If you're doing one and not the other then you're sitting on a see-saw all by your self and there is no movement. The nexus point cannot be accessed.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Sunday, November 19, 2006


Imagine having unlimited energy. Imagine having unlimited passion. Imagine love coursing through your body like electricity. Imagine no thoughts; just an open awareness. Everything you see is forever imprinted on your soul. Everything you touch is like the first time you ever touched it. Every smell tells a grand story. Every feeling permeates you and your surroundings and emanates from you in waves of sound.

Imagine being so overcome by beauty that you seem to melt into a puddle of joy. Imagine that beauty surrounding you on all sides. Everywhere you look your breath is taken away.

Imagine being outrageously happy with yourself. You have everything you could ever want. You are done with goals and accomplishments and now you concern yourself with your passions and desires and curiosity. You do what you want to do when you want to do it. You are spontaneous; aware of and eager to follow the subtlest of synchronicities. You have a network of people you share your love with.

To imagine these things one need not leave one's chair. You don't need to leave the chair to manifest these things, either. To manifest one must simply first change one's persective, which can be done in the comfort of one's chair. Imagination is a tool we use to tweak our perspectives. What are you imagining?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Young Wedding Dancers


Monday, November 06, 2006

Divine Energy Sources

Fire needs fuel constantly. Without fuel it goes out. What are you fueling your life with? Think about it. Look at what you use for fuel. Do you fuel yourself with thoughts? With emotions? With feelings? Does being angry fire you up? Fuel you? Is food your fuel of choice? Is television your fuel? Does alcohol or pot or nicotene or caffeine or medication fuel you?

What is your fuel source and how extensive is that source? Can you draw on it whenever you need to? Is it alwys there with sufficient fuel? Does it allow your flames to burn at incredible levels? Is your fuel renewable? Does it pollute? Can it be depleted?

Is passion your fuel? Desire? Hope? Lust? Do you draw fuel from other people? Or do you fuel others? Do you use love as a fuel? If so, do you use emotional love or unconditional love? Does the sun fuel you when it rises each morning above the horizon? Is your fuel solid, liquid, gaseous, or electric? What kind of fuel efficiency do you get from your energy source?

Do questions act as fuel for answers to erupt and burn themselves into our awareness?

Do you ever drink Redbull, the energy drink that gives you wings? Do you find your fuel outside of yourself or within? Or a combination thereof? Is there an invisible spiritual elixir that can give us wings? Indeed, is there one that can enable us to fly?

Does beauty fuel you on a regular basis? Is beauty a fuel? What about joy?

For our fires to burn we must have fuel. How aware are we of the fuel sources we tap into? When you fuel up your car it's a rather perfunctory task. You do it without hardly thinking about it. The main thing that draws our attention is when the price goes up. What's the price of your main fuel source?

Can we use sunlight as fuel for our beings? What about air? Water? Prana?

Every human is a divine being. We are creator gods. We create. But to create we must have fuel. We must have a Source. There are two kinds of gods; Source Gods and Creator Gods. Source Gods do nothing but source energy. Creator Gods cannot source their own energy so they use the energy sourced by the Source Gods and they create with that. You need both kinds of gods to hold up the hologram. The evolutionary path of divine humans is leading to the blossoming of a whole new kind of god; one that is both a Source and a Creator. This is the grand experiement; to see if this kind of god can be actualized. We are the volunteers who agreed to undergo the experiment. So not only is it helpful to become aware of our divine Creator abilities, but it also helps to become aware of the energy sources we utilize now so that we can gain "energy independence;" a state necessary to be in in order to develop those forthcoming source abilities.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Saturday, November 04, 2006


Imgine a life without any worries. Imagine a life without any problems. Imagine no dilemmas, no conundrums, no detours, no sudden complications, no flat tires, no electrical outages, no earthquakes or hurricanes, no unexpected twists, no challenges, no hurdles. Would you consider that a wonderful life?

We carry on our backs the challenges of this dimension and those challenges are what enable us to grow. Think of every challenge as a supreme gift. Meet those challenges with excitement and enthusiasm. For many, these challenges are what weigh us down and age us. This will happen if we see those challenges as obstacles instead of gifts. With a shift in perspective we can begin to utilize those gifts to set ourselves free and dispense with aging. It's all perspective.

If there was no wind a tree grows weakly. Wind makes the tree strong. Don't hide from the wind. Go out into it and let it make you strong.

Copyright © 2006 by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, November 02, 2006


There have always been images of a greater world. We always assign those images to their place in the future and in so doing we relegate those happenings to the future, thereby preventing ourselves from experiencing them in the present.

There are feelings we get hints of that we read as being little tastes of future feelings. By assigning them future status we are unable to break through the door to start feelings those feelings NOW.

We are constantly bombarded with possibilities and we need only embrace one for it to manifest. Do we embrace one out of every ten possibilities? Or do we eagerly embrace all the possibilities? Can we embrace them all without making all of them become manifest?

How much embracing do we do? How intently do we do it? How often do we embrace the moment?

We shall see what the fruits of our embracings produce. It is this juice that feeds and provides the pigment for the realization of our imaginings.

Have you been looking at mountains recently? If so, try going for a drive on the backroads around the back of those mountains so that you can see them from the other side. It is worth the gas. Take that little trip.

What kind of life is lived that is not embraced? What kind of journey is taken that does not begin by walking out the door?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! There are many who consider November 1st as the true beginning of the year. Did you know that New Year's resolutions made on November 1st have a greater likelihood of sticking than resolutions made on January 1st? I wonder if this was part of why New Years was moved to January. Hmm. Anyway, it's New Year's Day for me today. I plan to enjoy the day accordingly. May the day illuminate something new for everyone.