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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


What are the many symptoms of happiness? Can you come up with a list? What symptoms are the strongest for you? Do you have enough symptoms to be fully infected with happiness?

Where do you place happiness? Is it some goal? Some far off place? Is it a memory? Does it permeate your daily life?

Is it omnipresent? Are there places we don't allow it in? Are there some times when we utterly disregard it? Are there times we meed to rest from happiness? Can it ever be too much for us?

How important is happinesss to you? Is it important to a tree? Or a cow? Or a kitty cat? They don't seem to strive for happiness. Can their contentment be decribed as a happiness? Do they need happiness like humans do? And why do humans need happiness anyway? Why is happiness so important to us when it just seems to come naturally to other life forms? Why has happiness become our goal?

What differentiates happiness from contentment? What makes it better? Is happiness what draws us onward? Does the idea of happiness give us purpose?

What's the purpose of happiness?

When you're a god living in the universe happiness is natural and ubiquitous. It is the space we move through. It is impossible to be unhappy. Is this state what happiness is returning us to?

Can we know what happiness is without first learning what it is not? And once we learn what it is and what it's not, we merely need to accept its omnipresence.

Happiness is the food that fuels our quest for ultimate joy. Joy is a step up from happiness. Joy is happiness taken to orgasmic levels. It's the frequency that connects us back to the universal entity that we are. It's how we experience being a god.

Happiness is the platform from which we can easily reach towards joy.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Ten Minutes

Welcome to the idea of a new way to live. Can there really be a different and better way to live our lives? If there was such a better way would you attempt to incorporate it into your existence?

What holds you back to the old methodologies? What keeps you trapped in a quagmire of less than optimal circumstances? Is it victimhood? Is it some sort of contentment or acceptance of the way things are? Is it guilt? Do you feel you do not deserve something better? Is it fear?

When we create the landscape of our existence do we just recreate old patterns again and again? Do we maintain a status quo as an attempt to keep out uncertainty? Why do new things scare us? Is it the adjustment we would be forced to make? Is there a comfort to our ennui?

Or are we merely holding back the inevitable? Why are we afraid to embrace the inevitable? Why do we shun the mantle of our divinity?

Take ten minutes of your day and use it to open up to new possibilities. Let your guard down for ten minutes a day. Imagine what it would be like to live a completely different life. For ten minutes a day imagine all your problems gone. Imagine a life of joy. Imagine a life where everything you love explodes in joy. Imagine a world where everything is as you create it to be. Imagine nirvana ten minutes of every day.

Why do we hesitate about this? Are we afraid if we let go of all our problems then we will no longer be us? Do we define ourselves by our problems and struggles? Do we define ourselves by our pain?

In order to redefine ourselves we must step beyond everything that currently defines us. But we need something to define us and until we can find something new to define us we hold on for dear life to everything that is currently defining us. There is a lag time between our old definitions and when the new definitions take hold. This creates fear because briefly we have nothing to define us and without our definitions we seem to not exist.

So it is good to imagine new definitions so that they become ready to be embraced as soon as we let go of the old definitions. Imagination is the bridge that allows us to go from one reality to another without falling into the crack between realities.

Yet imagination without release only causes more frustration. Ten minutes of imagination and ten minutes of releasing all things each day will help prepare us. Release something different every day. Don't worry, you won't run out of things to release--not for quite a while anyway. Imagine something new each day. You will never run out of things to imagine.

The more we release and the more we imagine, the closer we come to our true divine being--a being that deserves the most incredible reality we can imagine.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Let there be the understanding that all things are generated because of our desire to fulfill a purpose. Let it be understood that we direct our movies much like directors direct movies. We all have an overall sense of the script but we have the option of changing things as they are being filmed. While every change directly affects the outcome, the main story lives through our changes.

While we see things in their unfolding, new things appear to us and the story is ever evolving. Creating involves letting all things go. Creating things involves allowing those things to become what they are so that they can change to what they will become.

No scene is ever complete until it is photographed and embedded in our consciousness. And even then it is not complete because it will change as it is being watched.

Our confusion arises becuase we don't know if we are creating or directing or watching. So it is our role that we must go beyond. We must allow "it" to be. We must surrender to the story behind the story, which was written long ago and which entices us to enact a story to bring that original story forth.

Most of what we create, we created long ago. To create anew for the future we must allow those original creations to manifest and clear our canvas for a new painting.

The world is a painting that awaits the release of past pigments and longs for the creation of new ones. When we cease painting we become the painting. When we stop looking at the painting and enter it we step into the potentiality of the next painting. The next painting is always within the last painting. If only we would release it. We cannot do this until we take paintbrush in hand. We cannot do this until we relinquish control and see the painting for the deep heartfelt desires that they are. We cannot enter a painting until we have put the paintbrush aside and become that which we paint. Feel the colors. Feel the texture. Feel the depth. Feel the overall scene. Step into it and beyond it. There you will find all that which gives meaning. There, you will find you. And there you will find all that you are looking for.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Compass Dial

Lift up your eyes. Lift up your inner vision. Look up at the roof of your world.

Our vision is habitually horizontal. It can be good to habitually break habits. If you always take the same street to go to work to each day it's good to occasionally take a different route. Likewise, if you're always looking straight ahead or hehind you or at your feet, it is good to occasionally crane one's neck and look directly upwards.

Looking up on a regular basis enables our navigational systems to operate completely. When that navigational system is fully operational it works on a 360 degree basis. It's good to know and stay in touch with all the directions.

There will be much to see once we look in new ways. Eyes are important but so is a strong and healthy neck.

Imagine a dial that reads your directional focus. Whatever direction you put your focus towards, the needle on the circular dial moves to point in that direction. See the dial move freely in all directions. See it move round and round, not missing any perspective. In your mind, see the dial spinning furiously. It is spinning so furiously there is no time to place your focus in one spot. Your focus can no longer be one-directional. It is now omni-directional. It's like stepping back and focusing from the outside in. The focus is removed from any one part of the circle (dial) and becomes the act of watching the dial. You have stepped outside the circle.

We cannot step outside of the circle unless we can see the one-ness of that circle and we can't do that unless we experience all 360 degrees of that circle.

See why it's so important to occasionally look up?

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


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