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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thinning Veils

by White Feather

Imagine going through an entire day doing only things that bring you joy. Nothing but joy all day long. Imagine every day being like that. Imagine being thrown into a state of wonderment repeatedly throughout each day. Imagine being inundated with beauty where ever you look. Imagine being filled with love every time you encounter other humans. Imagine being so happy that you look forward to each new moment and what it might bring. Imagine being so happy that nothing at all could get you down. Imagine being in a state of happiness and joy continuously.

How long can you stay in those imaginings? What brings you back from imagining those things? What keeps you from surrendering to that love and joy? What thoughts keep you from falling into the abyss of pure love and joy?

To live in a state of constant joy and bliss is within all of our grasps. It is so very close. What thoughts and beliefs separate us from that?

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Friday, December 07, 2007

Can You Love a Stranger?

by White Feather

What if you saw each and every single human being you ever come into contact with during the course of each and every single day as a supreme blessing? How would that change your life? Can you imagine seeing every single human in this manner? Can you bless their appearance in your life? Can you allow them to show you their blessing? Can you love each and every single person you ever come into contact with unconditionally? Can you love them with all your being?

Is that too radical? Is it too hard? Is it impractical? Is it unreasonable? Can it be done while still judging? What is it that keeps us from doing this? What keeps us from seeing every single human being we ever come into contact with as a supreme divine being? Are judgments what keeps heaven on earth from becoming obvious? Can we drop the veil of judgment and enter paradise? Can we let go of the veil of judgments and feel the incredible love that permeates all? Can we see with loving eyes? Can we feel with a loving heart? Can we bless with loving intentions?

Can we love as though there are no strangers? How completely can we love? How unconditionally can we love? How fully can we surrender to that one-ness? In one-ness there are no strangers. Everyone we meet is us.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Looking in the Mirror

by White Feather

There are so many different worlds we can live in. And they're all right here in the NOW. With so many choices how can we be anything but thrilled? Reality is a choice. Has anyone ever thought of it that way? The menu is extensive but we tend to only pick those entrees we are familiar with.

When was the last time you made a choice that was thoroughly uncharacteristic of you? When was the last time you insisted on something completely different? When was the last time you threw caution to the wind? When was the last time you ventured into vibrations you were unfamiliar with? When was the last time you dared yourself?

When was the last time you walked along a beach, the ocean to your left and the hills overlooking the ocean to your right? Did you feel the sacredness of the sand you walked upon; that space between worlds? Were you able to block out the vibes coming from the left and from the right and concentrate on the sand your naked feet melted down into? How different was the night sky full of stars while walking that null zone line as opposed to seeing it from atop the hills or from out at sea? What did you feel walking that beach?

I've always wanted to go for a walk along the beach with my doggie. Living up here at the top of the world in Colorado we've never had the opportunity. I've always wondered how she would react to the waves crashing in on the beach. I've always wondered how much joy she would experience. I've wondered how much joy I would experience through watching her.

While there is a null zone between the ocean and the land there is another one between the land and the sky. For half a century I have imagined flowing through this null zone as carefree as a bird. My beloved hairy four-legged ones have no concept of this because their necks are not designed to look upwards into the sky. The human neck is a true wonder because it allows us to look in all directions.

Seriously, the human neck is an attribute that has contributed to our "advanced intelligence." Imagine if our necks did not allow us to look upward. Can you imagine that? Could we possibly be so close to enlightenment if our necks did not allow us to look up into the heavens? I don't think so.

Our necks allow us to look up at the beauteous sky. They allow us to look down upon the sand full of our footprints. But, perhaps, most importantly they allow us to look into the mirror of our reality. Looking straight ahead we are looking into the reality we create. Looking straight ahead we are looking in the mirror. Looking straight ahead we are seeing the composite of every direction. We are seeing All That Is come together in one focus.

When faced head on with All That Is we touch our divinity. We see that which we create. We see the beauty that so often escapes our focus. We see the grandness of our divine creations. We see the perfection that we habitually deny. And we feel the joy that is our birthright.

When was the last time you walked on a beach--even if only in your mind? When was the last time you looked in the mirror and saw God?

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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