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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Friday, December 29, 2006

Listening to Snowflakes

When the final landscape dissolves into nothingness then a blank canvas emerges that allows for unprecendented re-creation. We'll have a chance to utterly redo everything.

How would you react to this? How eagerly do await such a scenario? How willing are you to becoming active in the instigation and movement of this consciousness?

How will it affect your relationships? Will any relationships remained unchanged? And what about our relationship to ourselves?

When everything becomes different is there anything that remains the same? Is that even possible? Is there a continuity we can hold onto? Or can trust anchor our boat?

Have you ever listened to snowflakes? Surely, you have watched them. Most probably, you have played with them and built things like snowmen with snow. Perhaps you have slipped and fallen on your ass because of them. But have you ever completely stopped all movement and thoughts and just listened to snowflakes as they fall silently to the ground? Have you ever felt the joy each and every single snowflake is embued with? Have you ever felt the softness of snowflakes? Have you ever felt the warmth of snowflakes? Have you ever blocked out all sounds and truly listened to snowflakes falling down upon your landscape? It is one of the softest sounds you'll ever hear.

Listen. Listen with an open heart, a quiet mind, and a willingness to surrender. Listen to the snowflakes. They will tell you a secret.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Movement and Dance

When the last core is studied and we see all the angles then we will be able to expand to encompass a much greater portion of the spectrum.

When the hillsides echo thunder we don't generally think of the contours of the land, even though those contours affects how the sound reaches us. The important question is; can we incorporate both endeavors within our actions.

When the planet changes direction our bodies are directly affected. It always helps to allow for disruption of normalcy. We can fight it or go with the flow.

Will the respite of that moment when the pendulum seems to stop before proceeding in the opposite direction provide the peace and bliss and joy necessary to comfortably transition to a whole new you? In dance, it is a mere change in direction of movement. Can the movement be as fluid in other regards? Can we change directions as easily and naturally as the planet?

Do we dance to the spotlight or let the spotlight follow us? Are we trying to dance or are we allowing the dance to flow through us?

Are we even dancing?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bare Naked Trees

© 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Scrunch of Snow Underfoot

Walking the land, you are in touch with the planetary heartbeat. The more you walk, the more in synch you become. You begin to see the subtle earth energies at work. They are right there but you never noticed before.

Walking is rhythmic. All drumbeats are auditory reflections of the planetary heartbeat.

You can walk the same mile two hundred times and you will experience at least two hundred new things; something new each time.

One walk could intersect another walk you did twenty-four years ago even though you are now in a completely different place. Earth energy lines intersect all over the place; both in the physical and the non-physical. Every line somehow connects to all others. And all roads lead to Home.

When you walk the very same mile one hundred thirty-seven times and then when you walk it the one hundred thirty-eighth time and you do so while that mile is under two feet of snow, it's like taking a walk in a different dimension. It's intensely different.

There are so many dimensions right here. We never have to travel. But walking acts to turn the kaleidoscope. It is the turning of the pages that allows the story to unfold.

When you walk and as your feet pad upon the planetary Mother's skin, you are in a very creative state. Walking into the infinite field of possibilities, each step we take is an interdimensional birth.

When we walk we are engaging the NOW in all its many dimensions. When we walk we are engaging our selves and our own many dimensions. When we walk in joy and awe our bodies respond with the production of life hormones. With each mile our bodies become more balanced and playful. With each mile we see more--even if it is the same mile.

We could say every mile takes us closer to Home. Or we could say that we bring Home with us with each new step. We could also say that everything we see as we walk our walk is a new and different reflection or perspective of Home. Or we could say Home is everywhere we walk.

Walking is like pages of a book. If it's a book you've got to read but are not enjoying much you read quickly, often skimming, and the pages are turning rapidly. It it's a book you are thoroughly enjoying you savor every word and the pages turn much more slowly. How quickly do you walk?

Isn't it amazing how ten inches of snow cannot keep us separated from the planet but six inches of rubber can?

Isn't it amazing how the white of the nighttime snow perfectly reflects the white of the nighttime clouds? And our breath is the same color. And so is the moon.

The clouds and our breath and the moon, however, do not scrunch underfoot like the snow does. Wouldn't it be great to take a walk through a cloud to see what kind of sound it makes?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Saturday, December 09, 2006


Every time a human puts up resistance to the new concsiousness waving over the planet they are hiding behind that resistance.

Eventually, we will all surrender. Eventually we will love our enemies. Eventually, we will all love our selves.

In the meantime, we have conflict.

Can you see how easy it is to resolve conflict?

Love is all it takes, yet it seems so impossible. Why is love so hard? Why is it such a hard thing? It should be the easiest thing in the world. Why do we resist it so?


The only thing standing in the way of planetary love is our resistance to it. When the freaking hell will we surrender to that planetary love? When will we cease the fight against planetary bliss? When will we cease fighting our own bliss? When will we surrender to it? When will we see the utopia we are a part of? When will we stop fighting the incredible bliss that is our birthright? When will we stop fighting the joy and allow it to envelope us? When will we divert our attention from petty emotional quarrels and become more than that? When will we become the gods that we are?

When? The only answer to that is NOW. While conflict can be found in all nooks and crannies of time, peace can only be found in the NOW. Are you putting your energy into conflict or into the ideal of planetary bliss? Planetary peace is so very, very close. It's merely waiting on a few more humans to surrender to it.

What are you resisting? What are you fighting?

Have you considered surrender? What keeps you from considering such an alternative? Think about it. How might your world change? How would your world change if you embraced surrender? Seriously think about it.

Why are you fighting? Every ounce of fight could be used to embrace something new. Every ounce of resistance you put up could be spent building a whole new reality. Why are you fighting? Why are you looking for that which holds all back instead of looking towards that which bonds each and every one of us together? Why are you fighting the new reality?

Let the fears go. Release them. Banish them.

Step bravely and passionately into the new world. Once there, you will have no time for petty bullshit. Once there, you will be motivated by nothing but love. Once there, your love will melt all resistance. Why not take the plunge?

What, exactly, is everyone afraid of?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Thoughts and Feelings

2007 will be a year of manifestation. Do not be surprised if something you had visualized and wanted to manifest 15-20 years ago suddenly manifests before your eyes. You may have forgotten that you even wanted what manifests. You may not want it anymore. Or it could be a life-long desire that manifests; something you still want with all your heart.

But it won't just be things from the past that manifest. There will be plenty of instant manifesting, too. A thought we have in the morning could manifest before the end of the well as a thought we had back in 1993. There will an inordinant amount of manifesting going on.

Can you imagine what it would be like if every single one of our thoughts manifested almost immediately? Every single thought we ever had? If every thought, no matter how big or small, manifested, reality would be very different, no? If you wanted a grand piano all you would have to do is think about having one and then it would appear. If you wanted to visit India you would merely have to think yourself there. If you thought about being a rock star you would become one.

Would this type of reality seem utterly chaotic to you? How would you handle being able to manifest your every thought? How would it change the way you think? Would you be much more careful with your thoughts? Would we all stop cussing? Would we be more active in our blessings and loving in our words to others? Would those thinking loving thoughts gravitate to each other creating one reality and would those thinking non-loving thoughts join together creating a different reality? Or would the two camps be able to co-exist in this sort of instant manifestation reality?

Or is our reality already a lot like this except we have a lag time in the manifesting. It's not usually instant. And since we don't see the results of our thoughts until much later we are much less careful about our thoughts. We think thoughts thinking they will never manifest. Was there a purpose in this lag time? Is it a result of the "density" we find ourselves in? Or is it part of the cause of the density?

Well, what if this lag time suddenly disappeared? What if our thoughts started manifesting almost instantly? How great would the change be?

Change and manifesting go hand in hand. To manifest something is to change. Before the manifestation that something did not exist. After the manifestation it does exist. So there is change. You can't have constant change without constant manifesting. One reason so many have not manifested their desires is their unwillingness to surrender to change. Is our resistance to change what helps cause this lag time? If we drop the resistance (surrender) will the lag time disappear?

So the next question is: What if our feelings manifested instantly? Would the same questions about thoughts apply to feelings?

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


2007 is an extraordinary year! I consider November 1st as the first day of the year and October 31st as the last day of the year. This means that we are already in 2007 as far as I'm concerned. For me, 2007 began just a little over a month ago.

2007 is a year of unprecedented change. For many, 2006 seemed like that. But hold onto your hats because 2007 will far exceed 2006 in the change department. But it will be a different sort of change. 2006 was one big change but 2007 will be a multitude of constant change. It will begin for most in late January and early February. We will experience one change after another after another after another. Except for a couple of very brief respites this constant change will continue to the end of the year on October 31st. The change will be so constant that we will hardly have time to think about one change before the next one is upon us.

For some of us we will experience as much change in 2007 as in all of our years combined leading up to 2007. We will experience change in a multitude of ways. We will change jobs and careers. We will change cars and change residences. Some of us will change states and some of us countries and some of us hemispheres. We will change partners and change friends. We will change how we live--repeatedly. We will change how we think and how we react. We will change patterns in everything. We will change what we eat and what we read. We will change how we express and how we dress. We'll change how we prioritize things. We will change habits and some will change religions. As we navigate 2007 we will have to remain at the wheel to constantly change direction.

It is useless to resist this tsunami of constant change. We have to go with the flow of it and that means surrender. Surrender is the key word for 2007. 2007 is the year to DROP ALL RESISTANCE. We have been playing with surrender for the past few years but now it is time to fully and unconditionally surrender. 2007 can be a traumatic year or it can be a blissful euphoric year. It all depends on how much resistance we put up to the constant change. To drop all resistance and fully surrender to the constant change we can use this new year to make a quantum leap in self-realization. 2007 holds the possibility of being the most transformative year in human history (so far).

But it all happens on an individual basis. The global world will reflect that, yes, but it is up to each and every one of us to surrender individually. If enough of us surrender individually and unconditionally then collectively we will produce a contraction. In spiritual terms this is called inducing labor.

While 2007 is a major contraction preceding birth, it is also a dilation or opening up for that birth. 2007 is a year of contraction and expansion, contraction and expansion, contraction and expansion. For those who have experienced the birth of a child, allow me to describe 2007 as that moment when such an intense contraction is experienced that you look at each other and simultaneously you both know it is time to go to the hospital. It's time to throw all your preconceived notions out the window and put your entire focus onto the birth.

In 2007 we will be shown a few thousand different ways to surrender. Not until we surrender in a few thousand different ways will we be able to begin to understand surrender. In 2007 it will be the most valuable tool we can employ. Look for ways to surrender. Be willing to surrender everything and anything. Examine anything that you resist surrendering.

And embrace change. Get ready for non-stop change. Resist it or surrender to it. See that as a choice. It's a choice we will continually be faced with in this most magnificent of years.

Copyright © 2006, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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