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Friday, March 28, 2008

Conditioned Perspectives

by White Feather

It used to be that I could go to my local Safeway grocery store and do all my shopping in five minutes or less. I knew where everything was and I could mentally formulate a route through the store where I could quickly pick up everything I needed without doing any backtracking or searching. I could probably have done my grocery shopping blindfolded. I wasted no time looking at things that were not on my list and I went down no aisles that I knew had nothing on my list. As long as I didn't run into anyone I knew I could shop with lightning speed. I was a lean, mean shopping machine.

But the Safeway has been in a process of remodeling. They have moved everything around--and I do mean everything. Nothing is where it used to be. Shopping suddenly takes three times as long because I have to be consciously aware and search for things. If I were blindfolded I wouldn't be able to find a thing.

While this is somewhat aggravating to customers, grocery stores know that this is a very good thing to do every now and again. Having spent far too many years in retail myself, including owning my own retail bookstore for 9 years, I know the value of this. It forces the customer to shop "with eyes wide open" and therefore see more. How customers shop becomes habitual. They find the areas of a store they like and only go there, avoiding the other parts of the store. Mixing everything up forces them to search through the whole store enabling them to see things they might like that they normally wouldn't notice.

While shopping for many is very habitual, the same can be said for our lives in general. We all have fixed routines and schedules. While our activities become habitual and conditioned, so does our thinking....and so does our perspectives.

As we go through our daily lives going through the same conditioned routines and activities, we think the same thoughts over and over and our thinking becomes conditioned. We may have some different thoughts now and again but we quickly slip back into our conditioned thinking patterns. Likewise, the way we see our world becomes conditioned and we see it the same way day in and day out--so much so that we often miss little subtle changes around us. If often takes wholesale change, like with the grocery store remodeling, for us to get out of our default perspectives and begin seeing all the changes.

Humans are habitual creatures. Our activites are conditioned, our thinking is conditioned, and our perspectives are conditioned. If, as all the spooks claim, we create our reality through our perspectives then to change our reality we must change our perspectives. This is made difficult because of the habitual conditioned way we perceive everything in our lives. Habits are hard to break.

We could take ten minutes out of our day and consciously change our perspectives and see things differently and that can be very good but then we slip right back into our conditioned perspectives for the rest of the day. So it's hard to create much change in our reality when we weigh those ten minutes against 23 hours and 50 minutes of conditioned perspectives. We say, "Hey, I changed my perspectives for 10 minutes but my reality didn't change!" That's because we didn't change our continuous conditioned perspectives, most of which we're not even consciously aware of.

Our perspectives are so conditioned we are, for the most part, not really even aware of them. We are often unaware of any perspective we may be embracing at any given moment. We may be holding a perspective of "life's not fair" and we're not aware of that being our perspective. But because we hold that perspective we attract circumstances that reflect that perspective. We see those circumstances and that reinforces our perspectives and we blame the circumstances. Our thinking patterns center on those circumstances and further reinforce our perspectives. Those thinking patterns become conditioned and we play those thoughts out over and over.

And our perspectives don't change. And therefore we continue to attract to us circumstances that reflect "life's not fair." This, of course, applies to all conditioned perspectives.

To change our reality we must change our perspectives and to do that we must become aware of our perspectives. We must become aware of the habitual conditioned way we see things. And then we must open ourselves up to seeing things differently.

One person can see life as a painful drudgery and their life reflects that. Another person can see life as a joyful, exciting, glorous experience and their life reflects that. It's not life picking one person to be good to and another to be bad to. It's the difference in perspectives between the two people. Life is a wondrous field of possibilities that we draw from and create from through how we perceive things. And how we perceive things is a choice. We can choose to perceive our world through habitual conditioned perceptions or we can open our eyes and choose to consciously perceive things differently.

Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Beaches and See-Saws

by White Feather

When there are no fish left in the lake the people living alongside the lake move on. They are aware of their environment. Being in touch with the earth they sense when something is wrong.

Today very, very few people are in touch with the earth. They are unaware when things are out of balance. Most humans have lived in a situation that is out of balance for most of their lives, so much so that it seems normal.

When birds fly through the air and they fly through areas of magnetic disturbance their flight is affected. When dolphin are swimming and following the sounds of the depths and then suddenly their sonar is jammed with mechanical distortions they become lost and they seek refuge by getting out of the water and beaching themselves.

How many humans are currently beaching themselves because the access to their inner senses has been broken? How many humans do not even hear and feel their inner senses because their systems are taken over by mass signals that are unnatural and not grounded in earth energies?

What is the difference between a pod of dolphins or whales beaching themselves and an event in some shopping mall where a lone gunman starts shooting randomly and killing people?

What do we blame such events on? Do we blame one person for going berserk? But that one lone gunman is only one aspect of the event. The victims all play a part, too. Everyone involved in the event has lost their inner guidance, allowing them to be drawn into the event. Are the lone gunman and all the victims all beaching themselves? When a pod of whales beaches themselves are they all victims? Or is their one leader responsible for all the rest being victims?

When war breaks out is it only the leaders who are responsible for the carnage? Or is everyone involved?

How do we keep from following the signals that lead us to a mass beaching? How do we allow ourselves to be sucked into a harmonic that so grossly disharmonizes with natural planetary rhythms? How do we lose contact with our own inner senses which can prevent us from navigating into such energetic turmoil?

Where does our focus take us? What happens when our focus is no longer grounded in earth energies? What happens when, instead of directing our energy focus, we instead allow it to be drawn to energies of repulsion?

When we sit on a see-saw how aware are we of what is sitting on the other end of the see-saw? If we are unaware of the other side how can we find the balance necessary to shift our focus to the fulcrum upon which we are see-sawing?

If we sit upon a see-saw as a victim who will gladly sit on the other end? If we sit on a see-saw while full of love who are we going to attract to sit on the other end? If we can love the one sitting on the other end of any see-saw we choose to sit on how does that affect the see-sawing?

When we disengage from the see-saw and instead take a walk through the forest we can feel the planet under our feet and we can embrace all that we come into contact with without engaging a polarizing duality with everything we come into contact with.

Without this dualistic engagement there is no impulse to beach ourselves. Staying grounded in the fulcrum of the planet we can go beyond the duality and allow love to enter all things and activities and our navigational abilities respond naturally and always take us exactly where we want to go to find ever increasing levels of joy.

Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Driving in the Car Without the Radio On

by White Feather

When it comes time to stand up and move forward will you be ready? Will you be willing--and most importantly, will you be excited--to step forward into a reality that is very different than your current daily life? What holds you back from making the step immediately? What uncertainty blocks your path?

You can look before you leap. Stay still and just look. Look past all the hurdles, through all the fears; look deeply and see what's past that glass door. The glass may be fogged so mentally wipe it dry and look through it.

Look through it and beyond it. See the reality that awaits your focus and attention.

All dimensions are right here. There are many, many dimensions all occupying the same space. We see only one but there are multiple dimensional realities all going on simultaneously with ours and they're going on right in the very same space we occupy.

We tune into those other frequencies by changing our vibratory frequency to match the vibratory frequency of that dimension we want to visit. It's like turning a radio dial.

We are stuck on one channel and are afraid to turn the channel. We don't know what kind of music another channel might be playing and we're afraid of leaving the same mix we've been listening to day after unending day.

The music on some other channel might be utterly divine but we can't know until we dare change the channel to give it a try. We can't find the radio station of our dreams without moving the dial.

Imagine being the dial: Would you want to be stuck on the same station for decades? Imagine being the dial and never moving. Imagine being the music and never being heard. Imagine being paradise and never being visited. Imagine driving in the car and never having the radio on.

The reality we seek is going on right this very minute in the very same space we are living in now. We just are not aware of it because we're listening to another station.

Copyright © 2008, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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