Mumbo Jumbo
A blog by White Feather
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Field of Dreams
The fields of summer were rich in earthly scents. The sky was big and the ground was moist from recent rain. As the group walked across the field they slowed their pace and took in the incredible beauty of the little valley.
The last time the group walked across this particular field it was frozen and everything was brown and yellow. There were no insects buzzing the air; no knee-high grass and wildflowers flowing in the breeze. It was winter then so now the group reveled in the sharp contrast. The field had come to life.
The people decided to stop and rest. They put down the large packs from their backs and placed them on the ground. Several of the group sat down on the ground with their backs to their packs. Others went to the small stream running along the edge of the field and collected water for everyone. The children, despite being exhausted, began playing.
What the group never learned during their winter visit through this field is that the field was a special energy center. It was the perfect place to stop and rest and try to rejuvenate before continuing with the journey. The energy of the field was exquisite. The group got so relaxed they decided to pitch camp right there in that field. They would leave in the morning. All the tension of being on a journey seemed to evaporate. All the thoughts involved with the trip dissipated and the group simply thought about their time of rest. It was like being home--for a day.
Everyone dreamed expansive dreams that night as they breathed in the rich air of the field. The sound of crickets serenaded the sleeping people as they dreamt of a home they were going back to. The sweet smell of the lush vegetation helped them focus in on that destination.
The next day when they left, each member of the group took part of that field with them.
The last time the group walked across this particular field it was frozen and everything was brown and yellow. There were no insects buzzing the air; no knee-high grass and wildflowers flowing in the breeze. It was winter then so now the group reveled in the sharp contrast. The field had come to life.
The people decided to stop and rest. They put down the large packs from their backs and placed them on the ground. Several of the group sat down on the ground with their backs to their packs. Others went to the small stream running along the edge of the field and collected water for everyone. The children, despite being exhausted, began playing.
What the group never learned during their winter visit through this field is that the field was a special energy center. It was the perfect place to stop and rest and try to rejuvenate before continuing with the journey. The energy of the field was exquisite. The group got so relaxed they decided to pitch camp right there in that field. They would leave in the morning. All the tension of being on a journey seemed to evaporate. All the thoughts involved with the trip dissipated and the group simply thought about their time of rest. It was like being home--for a day.
Everyone dreamed expansive dreams that night as they breathed in the rich air of the field. The sound of crickets serenaded the sleeping people as they dreamt of a home they were going back to. The sweet smell of the lush vegetation helped them focus in on that destination.
The next day when they left, each member of the group took part of that field with them.
Copyright 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

Labels: Stories
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Carpet Cleaner
What does it feel like to be a loser? Stop what you're doing and really get into the feeling of being a loser. What is it like? Do you label and judge this feeling to be bad? Is it a horrible feeling? What, exactly, does it feel like? What emotions are at the core of this "feeling of losing?"
Losing means that you are at one end of the polarity spectrum. The opposite end is winning. What does it feel like to win? Is it a glorious feeling? What prize does winning bring to you? Does it make everything right? And what does "right" feel like to you? How does it feel to be right and to win? What kind of energy are you fed by this energy dynamic?
How much are the two polarities dependent on one another? Can we truly know and appreciate winning without also experiencing losing? Can we truly know and appreciate losing without having experienced winning? Can either winning or losing ever be complete without the other? After all, we can't win unless "someone else" loses, just like we can't lose unless "someone else" wins.
This is one way we play with each other in this dimension. We pair up to dance the various polarities. It takes two to tango and it takes two to engage a polarity and play out all the parts. That has been our modus operandi for thousands of years and, thankfully, it has allowed us to proceed with our evolution. It has allowed us to navigate this dimension and garner from it what we will need to know in order to move on into the next dimensional frequency
What keeps us from moving on from our polarity dance into the dance of one-ness that will shift our frequency? It's the sticky stuff: judgment, guilt, fear, and habit. Our sticky stuff adheres us to the polarities we've been playing out. It's easy to get stuck and hard to get out of. It's because of that sticky gooey stuff.
If I were a carpet salesman and I told you I had an incredible breakthrough product to get sticky gooey stuff out of your carpet, would you be interested in trying it? Would you listen to my sales pitch or would you blow me off and continue to walk on your soiled carpets like you had been doing? Would you at least be curious as to what that miracle product is?
What if I spritz a little of the miracle product on a certain stain in your carpet. Lo and behold, within seconds the stain completely vanishes before your eyes. You don't have to wipe or anything; just spritz the stuff. Would you want to know what this product is and what it's made of? Would you want to buy a whole case of the stuff?
What if I told you that the miracle product was absolutely free; that you don't have to buy anything? Would that get you further excited or would it make you suspicious? Remember, you don't have to scrub or wipe or get any gunk on your hands. You don't have to do anything but spritz. And the stuff is perfectly safe and is not detrimental to the environment. Indeed, the opposite is true. It actually enhances the environment! Indeed, it connects you to the environment in a very intense way.
Are you at all interested? If you are I can tell you that this miracle product works on all manner of surfaces, not just carpet. You can spritz your furniture, your car, your kitchen surfaces, your bathroom, your bedding, your pets, and even your children. You can even spritz your plants with it, your food, and your self. It enhances everything it touches.
How much would you pay for two 16 ounce bottles of this wonderful stuff? If you guessed $179.99 you are wrong. As I said before, this stuff is absolutely, completely, and totally free. No credit card information is necessary. There are no forms to fill out. No money is necessary and you never have to wait in line. All you have to do is surrender to it. All you have to do is see it right there before your eyes. All you have to do is feel it.
What is this miracle product? It is beauty.
In beauty there are no winners, nor are there any losers. In beauty there is no right nor wrong; there is no good or bad, left or right, higher or lower, black or white, rich or poor, victim or pertpetrator, new or old, best or worst, and no cause or effect. There is no "us and them." In beauty there is no separation, no polarization. Beauty is a one-ness principle that has the power to take us right out of polarization. It can suck us right into one-ness, dissipating all those stains of judgment, guilt, fear, habit, or whatever we have spilled in our experience of polarizing duality. When we allow ourselves to fully surrender to beauty our vibratory frequency shifts to one of unconditional joy. Beauty is a tool that can cut right through all our layers and go directly to our hearts. It can turn on full blast that switch called Life.
And it's completely free and it's everywhere you look. Use it, embrace it, and surrender to it and all goo will dissolve before your eyes. It really is a miracle just like we are.
Losing means that you are at one end of the polarity spectrum. The opposite end is winning. What does it feel like to win? Is it a glorious feeling? What prize does winning bring to you? Does it make everything right? And what does "right" feel like to you? How does it feel to be right and to win? What kind of energy are you fed by this energy dynamic?
How much are the two polarities dependent on one another? Can we truly know and appreciate winning without also experiencing losing? Can we truly know and appreciate losing without having experienced winning? Can either winning or losing ever be complete without the other? After all, we can't win unless "someone else" loses, just like we can't lose unless "someone else" wins.
This is one way we play with each other in this dimension. We pair up to dance the various polarities. It takes two to tango and it takes two to engage a polarity and play out all the parts. That has been our modus operandi for thousands of years and, thankfully, it has allowed us to proceed with our evolution. It has allowed us to navigate this dimension and garner from it what we will need to know in order to move on into the next dimensional frequency
What keeps us from moving on from our polarity dance into the dance of one-ness that will shift our frequency? It's the sticky stuff: judgment, guilt, fear, and habit. Our sticky stuff adheres us to the polarities we've been playing out. It's easy to get stuck and hard to get out of. It's because of that sticky gooey stuff.
If I were a carpet salesman and I told you I had an incredible breakthrough product to get sticky gooey stuff out of your carpet, would you be interested in trying it? Would you listen to my sales pitch or would you blow me off and continue to walk on your soiled carpets like you had been doing? Would you at least be curious as to what that miracle product is?
What if I spritz a little of the miracle product on a certain stain in your carpet. Lo and behold, within seconds the stain completely vanishes before your eyes. You don't have to wipe or anything; just spritz the stuff. Would you want to know what this product is and what it's made of? Would you want to buy a whole case of the stuff?
What if I told you that the miracle product was absolutely free; that you don't have to buy anything? Would that get you further excited or would it make you suspicious? Remember, you don't have to scrub or wipe or get any gunk on your hands. You don't have to do anything but spritz. And the stuff is perfectly safe and is not detrimental to the environment. Indeed, the opposite is true. It actually enhances the environment! Indeed, it connects you to the environment in a very intense way.
Are you at all interested? If you are I can tell you that this miracle product works on all manner of surfaces, not just carpet. You can spritz your furniture, your car, your kitchen surfaces, your bathroom, your bedding, your pets, and even your children. You can even spritz your plants with it, your food, and your self. It enhances everything it touches.
How much would you pay for two 16 ounce bottles of this wonderful stuff? If you guessed $179.99 you are wrong. As I said before, this stuff is absolutely, completely, and totally free. No credit card information is necessary. There are no forms to fill out. No money is necessary and you never have to wait in line. All you have to do is surrender to it. All you have to do is see it right there before your eyes. All you have to do is feel it.
What is this miracle product? It is beauty.
In beauty there are no winners, nor are there any losers. In beauty there is no right nor wrong; there is no good or bad, left or right, higher or lower, black or white, rich or poor, victim or pertpetrator, new or old, best or worst, and no cause or effect. There is no "us and them." In beauty there is no separation, no polarization. Beauty is a one-ness principle that has the power to take us right out of polarization. It can suck us right into one-ness, dissipating all those stains of judgment, guilt, fear, habit, or whatever we have spilled in our experience of polarizing duality. When we allow ourselves to fully surrender to beauty our vibratory frequency shifts to one of unconditional joy. Beauty is a tool that can cut right through all our layers and go directly to our hearts. It can turn on full blast that switch called Life.
And it's completely free and it's everywhere you look. Use it, embrace it, and surrender to it and all goo will dissolve before your eyes. It really is a miracle just like we are.
Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

Labels: Ramblings