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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Friday, February 23, 2007


When the truest of true truths becomes evident it suddenly becomes void. When the void is immersed in so completely that we "become" the void then new truths appear that go way beyond the truths we so comfortably resonated to.

Truth is ephemeral. It changes with each new moment. Just like we could. If we so choose.

What do you see? Whatever it is, it is divine.

When you close your eyes and go beyond, what do you see? When you go yet another step beyond, what do you see? Are you comfortable with the fact that whatever you see will change as soon as you see what is meant to be seen? Once you see it, you are thrust beyond what you see. You cannot proceed three steps without proceeding one step first.

Will there be a new world? Are you willing to go beyond the feelings of it? Those feelings cannot manifest until you've gone beyond them and are exploring even newer feelings. The piece of sidewalk you are walking over does not become real until you are walking over the next piece of sidewalk. Not until you have touched it will it become a reality for you. Not until you have walked over it will it become an actual path. Not until you follow it will you reach the turn off onto the path you've dreamt about.

Eventually, we will no longer follow paths. We will instead create them. We all follow a path until it leads to a new path which leads to a new path which eventually takes us to a point where there is no longer a path. It will be up to us to blaze a new path. Not until we are blazing our own new path will we be creating our own reality. The world is before us and each of us are gods ready to blaze a new path through that world. Are we ready to step into that world? Are we ready to create our own very unique and distinct path? While there are many paths that lead us partway there, we must all create our own path the rest of the way there. We will never get there following a path because all paths lead only to a stopping point where we must thereafter blaze our own path the rest of the way.

Are you ready for the journey? Are you ready to create your new path? Are you ready to follow it? Are you ready to go beyond it? Are you ready to go where all paths lead towards but no path takes you fully there? Are you ready to step beyond all the paths? Are you ready to be there?

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, February 10, 2007


There is great energy waiting to be tapped. The energy is tapped as it passes through us. The tapping takes place within us. All the energy we will ever need is within. If we're looking without for sources of energy then we will never seem to have enough. The source within is boundless.

To tap it we must connect to it and this requires a devoted circuitry. We must surrender to this source and offer no resistance to it as it passes through us. Resistance is what keeps this energy source from flooding us at all times.

Surrender is the releasing of all resistance. We are used to a tug of war. We maintain enough resistance to keep the energy source from overpowering us. We play a game of give and take with resistance and allowance. Surrender is the dropping of all resistance and it goes beyond all allowance.

Complete and utter surrender is an unplugging of the old circuitry and a plugging in to our divine source. It changes everything.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Winter Sky

Photo Copyright © 2007 by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Sunday, February 04, 2007


When we look at the sun on the mountains we can feel the beauty. The beauty brings wonderment and wonderment puts us in a frequency of joy. Living in a state of wonderment on a constant basis would be too much for most of us right now. We must slowly build up our wonderment tolerance until we can take more each day. Eventually we will be able to surrender to it completely.

So it is beneficial to be consciously placing our focus on seeking beauty to put us in a state of wonderment.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
