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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007

When Mountains Sing

When the mountain is in shadow and the sun is about to disappear behind it there is a calming electrical effect. Distance becomes something totally different. In those shadows we can hear the animals and the waterfalls and the birds and the whispering of the trees as though it were right before us. We can feel the rock as though we could reach out and touch it. It is at this time that a mountain releases its love out to all those who can still see it in the fading light. This is when mountains sing.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, April 26, 2007


Having walked until I was floating,
I moved with an effortlessness
that was other-worldly.

No matter the terrain
I moved in a soft flowing line
and everything around me swirled
like a kaleidoscope.

I was on a slow trajectory
through an ocean of memories
and sensations.

Everything was simultaneous,
all time fit into the NOW,
and I could see things
from a divine perspective.

While everything matters
it all dissolves as I move through it.
Mental associations dissipate
as everything is new.
Beauty envelopes me.
Flowing through the universe in a state of grace.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.


Monday, April 23, 2007


You know, some spook once said that our spirit goes through life stages just like our body. There's childhood, puberty, teenagerhood, adulthood, and old age. Our spirits and our bodies are not on the same timeline, however. Our spirits enter puberty around the ages of 18-22. Our spirit enters teenagerhood in our early to mid-thirties and it finally reaches adulthood in the fifties. Finally in our fifties we become spiritual adults and our adulthood lasts until we reach our late nineties at which time our spirit enters old age--which lasts approximately 30 years.

Obviously, our bodies have been on a much shorter lifespan than our spirits but the "time" is quickly approaching when our bodies will catch up to our spirits and live as long as they are currently designed to. (And we will then redesign them to last even longer.)

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

When the snow starts disappearing from the mountains
it's time to get busy.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Passing of Anna Mitchell-Hedges

Anna Mitchell-Hedges, caretaker of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, passed away on April 11. She was 100 years old. She was in her late eighties when I met her. I had the pleasure of speaking with her both before and following my one-hour experience with the famous skull. I first met her the night before at a small dinner gathering. She was downright lovable. And she liked to tell stories--something I relate to. That hour with the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull significantly changed my life so I cannot help but be eternally grateful to Anna Mitchell-Hedges for bringing the skull from Canada to my little sleepy mountain town in Colorado back in the nineties at a time when she had already stopped touring with the skull. She did it as a favor to a friend of hers who happened to live in my same town.

I have read all manner of writings on the skull, some of it quite critical and some of it quite fantastic. But none of that means much to me. My own experience with the skull is what resonates with me--and it's quite an intense resonation. I consider it one of my most precious experiences. So I am filled with love and gratefulness for Anna upon hearing of her transition. And I cannot help but smile at learning that she made it to 100. Today I turn 50 years old. I've kind of dreaded this birthday. But I consider it a gift to learn that Anna made it to 100. Learning this has been the only thing to happen to make me feel young.

Anna told me that she was convinced that she had been caretaker of the skull during the time/dimension of Atlantis, too. I wonder if she will be (is) caretaker again in some other time/dimension. To me, the skull is like a portal to all the many time/dimensions we are connected to. It's a key to the Akasha. It is very special. I wonder, whether in this life or another, if I will come into contact with the skull again. If I do I will have to look away from it long enough to see if Anna is somewhere around. I'll bet she would have some great stories to tell.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


The mantra for the year 2007 is the word: expand.

One of the natural energy dynamics of this particular dimension is the dynamic of "contraction/expansion." If you look at just about anything from just the right angle of perception you can see a natural order in place; the natural process of contraction/expansion. Everything strobes, or vibrates, between sets of polarities. We, as divine human beings, are constantly swinging, like a pendulum, between contraction and expansion. We can even see each in-breath as an expansion and each out-breath as a contraction. This concept of contraction/expansion is ubiquitous.

The plants go through a repetitive contraction/expansion with the seasons. The plants contract is winter and expand in summer. We, as divine human beings, are not much different. We each have our own preferences, but as a whole, humankind contracts in winter and expands in summer. This year will be different, though, because we will instead be experiencing a constant ping-pong effect of going back and forth between contraction and expansion throughout the year.

We will be like bobble-head dolls.

But we don't have to be.

The hardest part of this year's repeated expansions/contractions will be the contraction part. We can feel like we are being squeezed. The contraction waves will push in on us and that pinches things, activating issues and reawakening dormant imbedded emotions. The squeezing can force us out of our comfort zones. Think of 2007 as going through labor. Moments of intense peace evaporate as a contraction comes on. The contraction is intense and painful but it eventually resides and, once again, peace pervails....only to be shattered by another contraction.

So think of yourself as a pregnant woman who is going through labor, about to give birth. How would you react?

There are long arduous births and there are quick and easy births. Understanding the concept of expansion/contraction and going with the flow of that back-and-forth expansion/contraction makes the labor easier. Resistance only makes the labor more laborious.

The resistance we put up against these contractions that we will be experiencing consists of our beliefs and attitudes and fears and guilts. Guilts, especially, will be activated with each of these successive contractions. We can see this as an opportunity to review and release those guilts. It is the same with our fears. With our fears and guilts gone there is significantly less resistance to the contraction enabling us to go with the flow more easily.

But it is also our beliefs and attitudes and perceptions that will be squeezed during these contractions. It is our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that largely create our reality so when these things get squeezed and pinched we will be forced to look at them and decide whether or not we want to reconfigure our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions in order to create a new reality (birth). Holding on to the old beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions creates resistance to the contractions making them more arduous.

Every contraction will be an opportunity to reconfigure our energy. Each contraction can be followed by a period of intense peace and expansion. These peaceful expansive periods between the contractions are when we can implement far-reaching changes in our lives. It is when we can try out new beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. They may fit a little better than the old ones and they may help us endure the next contraction. On the other side of that next contraction we can try out even newer beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. If we can open the door to change then during each of the peaceful, expansive periods change will come blowing in through the door like a brisk spring wind. And if the windows are open, too, the wind will flush your house clean.

We must be as willing to expand as we are to contract. The contractions have begun and they will happen. We can make it easier by reconfiguring. The expansions will happen, too, and we can use these expansions to grow and change. If we resist the contractions or the growth and change then it could be a tough year. To make it easier we can think: Release and expand!. When things get tough this year, think: Release and expand!. Release and expand!. Release and expand!. By the end of the year we will have expanded far beyond the perceived limitations we define ourselves by now.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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