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Mumbo Jumbo - 1. An object or idol believed to have supernatural powers, 2. An
obscure ritual or incantation, 3. Confusing or meaningless activity or language.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

More Active Perceiving

What is the difference between "doom and gloom" and "love and joy?" Is the only difference perception? Are these perceptions two sides to the same coin? Is how the coin lands a reflection of our perceptions or is it something totally out of our hands? But we threw the coin! It was released directly out of our hand. How much control do we have over how the coin lands?

Does it matter how it lands? How we perceive how it lands determines whether the coin landing is fortuitous or calamitous. We assign meaning through our perceptions. The coin is....well, just a coin. We are the one determining the outcome through our perceptions.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Actively Perceiving

Whenever there are two there is one. Whenever there are a million there is both one and two. Seeing this can heal anything.

Each of us are one. There are a million within the one each of us are as well as the million we see outside of us. Both one-ness and multiplicity permeate all.

When we walk down the street and can see both the one-ness and the multiplicity and we make no distinction between the two we are walking through our divine creation. When we appreciate both the one-ness and multiplicity then joy results. The beauty of one-ness can be experienced and appreciated in a million different ways. Joy is boundless and it is everywhere.

We are boundless and everywhere. We are the universe. When we think of "I" we think of only our bodies and the self occupying that body. We do not look at a tree and think "I." When we see another we don't see "I." That is because our vision is limited by our perceptions. Our perception is how we create our reality and when we start seeing "I" in everything then we start owning our reality. Then our joy is no longer limited. There is unlimited joy within us and without us. We merely need to own it and see it.

The universe is built from love and joy. It is our creation. It is the creation of "I." I am the universe. I am every last part of it. I create it as I perceive it. If I perceive anything as being separate without seeing the one-ness then I am disavowing my divinity. All separation is created by not seeing the "I" in all things.

There is only one way to create and that is to perceive. Perceiving is not a passive action. It is how we actively create our reality. There is no separation unless we perceive it. And there is no love, joy, and beauty unless we perceive it. To give anything life we merely need to perceive it. Perceiving is our divine ability to create. It's what makes us gods.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Joy of Servitude

There are two queens of the castle and there is one servant. There are only three entities in the castle, not counting the plants. Only three entities, yet there are two queens. What kind of queendom is that?

One of the queens is a dog named Shawnee and the other is a cat named Taco. They rule the castle with absolute authority. There is only one servant in the castle and the two queens must share this servant. I happen to be that servant. I am the lone human in the castle and somehow I ended up with the servant job.

I'm a good servant. I do as I'm told and I put up with all manner of idiosyncrasies. I get to feed her majesties and I also get to clean up cat and dog vomit. Both of the queens are geriatric now. In dog or cat years, I've been collecting animal hair for around one hundred years. I have collected enough hair to knit a sweater big enough to wrap around the entire solar system. It's too bad I know nothing about how to knit.

I have found that it is extraordinarily difficult for me to go more than a few hours away from my masters. It's not easy to leave the castle but I must in order to continue serving and supplying the queens. I cannot help but think about how my masters are doing back at the castle without my servitutde.

Animals are such great masters. I strive to be a great servant to them. They have so much to teach and I have so much to learn. It's no wonder we live together alone in a big castle. How lucky am I to have, not one, but two grand teachers; two queens to serve? To be a loving servant to an animal is one of the grandest and most energizing dharmic jobs you can get. But it's one of the jobs where you don't apply for it, but rather it is assigned to you. Of course, you signed up for it long ago but it still seems to be thrust upon you. When a queen comes and taps you on the shoulder, indicating that it is time for you to step up, you feel honored and willingly accept your task. You surrender and step into the role with enthusiasm and excitement. You don't wonder if that enthusiasm and excitement will still be there 15 years later. You just give it all your love.

How sweet it would be to deal with other humans in the same way.

I am an ignorant human living in the presence of two god-creatures. I am extraordinarily lucky because these two god-creatures are fantastic teachers. What I learn is utterly dependent on how good of a student I am. A student serves a teacher much like a servant serves a queen. How well that student learns corresponds to how well that student serves their master. How well that student learns also corresponds to how well they can go beyond the teacher/student dualism. The best way to go beyond it is through it. The best way to go through anything is to love it.

I love my doggie and kitty with all my being.

They are my lords and masters. One day I will be a fully-fledged god just like them. I'm working on it.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Head Above the Clouds


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sun Worshipers

The sun has moved from one side of the room to the other. The cat, an avid sun-worshipper, has followed the sun's movement these last few months, her "special place" moving with the sun. To watch a cat sit in the sun, absorbing the energy, I cannot help but want to do the same. Like my cat, I partake of this elixir with abandon. No room is constantly the same. It changes with the shafts of sun coming through its windows. Does our perception of the room change as the sun moves?

I would like to move my "special place" with the changing shafts of sunlight coming through my windows but moving my desk every few weeks is not a very practical thing. My desk slowly moving back and forth across the room would be a Feng Shui nightmare. Perhaps stationary, the desk serves as a ballast or maybe it is the fulcrum null point upon which the solar see-saw sits.

Once the sun has set and night time has commenced, the cat's "special place" becomes my lap as I sit at my stationary desk. It is a place where she can bask in a different kind of warmth. In the winter time I especially appreciate her warmth as well--even as little as it might be. We sun-worshipers tend to stick together.

Copyright © 2007, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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